Register Now
2019 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition
Thursday, June 20, 2019 - Tuesday, June 25, 2019
How to Register:
Payment for registration and housing will be accepted via check .
Download the PDF of the Annual Conference Registration and Housing Form.
Please send completed registration forms and payment to:
ALA Registration Department
c/o CompuSystems
2651 Warrenville Rd.
Downers Grove, IL 60515
If paying by check, please make payable to: American Library Association.
Registration Edits
I'm already registered and need to make edits to my record (e.g., add a ticketed event) but don’t have my confirmation.
If you need to make an edit or add to your registration or housing, please visit your dashboard link which can be found in your confirmation email. If you need additional assistance or cannot locate your confirmation, please call CompuSystems at 866-513-0760 or email [email protected].
Conference Registration Incentive
ALA will continue to offer a cost savings for those who register for both the Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits and the Annual Conference & Exhibition hosted in any given year.
Midwinter Meeting full registrants that registered by December 13 will receive a link to access discounted registration rates on January 9, 2019, and before the 2019 Annual Conference registration site opens to non-Midwinter Meeting registrants. This link will supply you with a discount (valid through February 20) that you can apply to your registration.
If you try accessing the registration system with an assistive technology and experience difficulty, please call CompuSystems at 866-513-0760 or email [email protected].
If you require accessibility assistance to book your housing, please call onPeak at 800-584-9047, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST.
Accessibility services are available throughout the Annual Conference.
Cancellation Policy
Registration cancellations must be sent in writing, postmarked by May 24, 2019, to ALA Registration, c/o CompuSystems, 2651 Warrenville Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60515. There is a handling fee of $25 for each registration item canceled, and no refunds for cancellations postmarked after May 24, 2019. Registrations made after May 24, 2019 are non-refundable. We cannot offer refunds for Exhibits Only badges or Daily Fees. Refunds are processed after the conference. Email: [email protected]
Photos/Video Policy
Attendance at this event constitutes permission for your photograph or video to be taken at the event and used for ALA purposes.
Purchase Orders
Registrations using purchase orders are handled online. Please have the purchase order number available.
Letter of Attendance
The letter can be accessed through your dashboard from your registration confirmation. An email containing your letter of attendance will also be sent when you pick up your badge at registration.