Display Rules

Read this section carefully to avoid unnecessary on-site challenges or costly modifications.

These display rules must be adhered to on-site, or your display may have to go through costly alterations before the Show opens. The display rules are not meant to limit your ability to showcase your product, but rather to ensure each exhibitor an equal opportunity, within reason, to present their product or service in the most effective manner to the audience. The exhibitor’s responsibility can be summed up quite simply as “Be a Good Neighbor.”

Your agreement to abide by these display rules is a part of the space contract, and they will be strictly enforced by our Floor Managers at Show time.

Booth Configurations

Small Press/Product Table Display Rules or PDF version

Rules and Regulations (back of contract) 

ADA Guidelines

Show Site Work Rules

Fire Marshall Regulation 

The Washington, DC Fire Marshall has advised of a new regulation regarding fire extinguishers. All booths with a square footage of 600’ or more shall have a 2A:10BC fire extinguisher available.  

Exhibit structures that are covered or two-story with a square footage of 600’ or more shall have a 3A:40BC fire extinguisher available. 

All fire extinguishers shall have an inspection tag on them. Please plan accordingly.